The sum of $ 177,017 was recently awarded to 4 community media in the ridings of Beauharnois, Huntingdon and Soulanges. This support is granted for the financial year 2020-2021 as part of the Community media assistance program.
The MP for Beauharnois, Mr. Claude Reid, the MP for Huntingdon, Mrs. Claire IsaBelle and the MP for Soulanges, Mrs. Marilyn Picard. (Photo library)
Enhanced by the Cultural Sector Economic Recovery Plan announced last June, the program aims to support the community print-based media, radio, television and online media in the pursuit of their mission and the achievement of their action plan.
“This is great news for Télévision du Sud-Ouest, which occupies a beautiful media space for local news in the riding of Beauharnois. I salute the minister’s initiative to support her global mission, which promotes the interests of the community through diversified programming and implemented by a dedicated team”, says Claude Reid, MP for Beauharnois and Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Transport.
With this grant, the Quebec government wants to ensure that Quebecers have access to diversified and high-quality information, which reflects the reality of each of the regions. It also wants to support community media in their efforts to stimulate citizen participation and local and regional development.
“I am very happy that Info-Hemmingford, Télévison du Sud-Ouest as well as Télévision du Haut-Richelieu, who operate in my riding, have obtained this financial support. This assistance will enable them to continue their missions. These media are important platforms that promote arts and culture. They do showcase local artists and artisans. Not to mention, that they are excellent local and regional news broadcasters, remarkable work to be highlighted. Continued Success!”, says Claire IsaBelle, MP for Huntingdon and President of the Committee on Labour and the Economy.
The Bulletin communautaire Info-Hemmingford received $ 14,746, Coopérative de solidarité de Télévision communautaire CSUR LA TV $ 35,497, Télévision du Haut-Richelieu $ 63,387. Finally, Télévision du Sud-Ouest also received the sum of $ 63,387. It should be noted that nationally, 151 community media received financial support in 2020-2021, for a total amount of $ 6,990,755.