Valérie Langlais presents her creations at Maison Trestler | VIVA MÉDIA Skip to main content

The Antoine Aimé-Dorion exhibition hall, from Maison Trestler, is hosted by artist Valérie Langlais as part of the TRACE project. Although the opening will take place virtually, the author of these lines had the privilege of having face-to-face access.

Louise Leblond-Vallée, director of Maison Trestler, explains that she and Mrs. Langlais have agreed to hold a completely virtual opening on March 25th  via Facebook Live. This way more people can admire the canvases at the same time.

“With the sanitary measures, the exhibition hall cannot accommodate more than eight people, says Mrs. Leblond-Vallée. This number was too small and we thought about doing a virtual launch and doing a face-to-face one again during the month of April or May if the measures are reduced.”

A unique and inspiring process

Valérie Langlais has an artistic process that combines photography, painting and the use of recyclable material. She indicates that since the start of the pandemic she has had a lot of time to walk in the region. Living near the Soulanges Canal, she took pictures of the different seasons and landscapes that presented themselves before her.

“I then use the photos as a starting point to choose my colors and the emotion of the canvas, she says. I will paint the bases and then integrate recycled materials such as nets or silk to give a more precise shape to the canvas. Then the more abstract part begins.”

Mrs. Langlais uses the casting process to mark her paintings with colors and abstract lines. After these are on the canvas, they give her benchmarks to complete the work.

“It’s hard to explain, but it’s not me who decides after pouring what to add, it’s the paint itself, says Mrs. Langlais. I would say the canvas acts like an organism that I have to complete.”

The paintings of Valérie Langlais which represent the region of Vaudreuil-Soulanges are exhibited at the Maison Trestler until May 31st , 2021. To find out the dates when the artist will be on site to talk about her artworks, the population must go to the Maison’s Facebook or on the website.

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