Community night + Healthy Fair event | VIVA MÉDIA Skip to main content

While celebrating Valentine’s Day and providing the usual activities and services, the next Communi-T Night, in partnership with the Montérégie-West Community Network (MWCN), will also host the Healthy Heart Fair at the Châteauguay Valley Regional High School. Save the date: February 13, from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m., 1597, Route 138A. All citizens from the Haut-Saint-Laurent are invited to this special Night where everything is free.

Presented in English at 5 p.m., the Healthy Heart workshop aims to initiate practical steps to prevent age-related disorders as well as to promote healthy lifestyle choices for everyone.

More than thirty organizations, including some health specialists, confirmed their presence and will provide information on services available to citizens between the ages of 0–100+ from the Haut-Saint-Laurent territory. In short, there will be something for everyone, in English and French. We even offer a free spaghetti dinner—take a break from cooking and dishes—and a free daycare service for 0–7 year-olds.

In just one evening, you can discover resources available for seniors, new residents, sports and cultural enthusiasts, families; parents of infants, preschool children, caregivers, volunteers, environmental supporters and more.

The Community Nights are an opportunity to cultivate a sense of belonging to the Haut-Saint-Laurent by stimulating community development and creating networking opportunities for citizens, all free of charge. They provide opportunities for engaging in meaningful encounters and forging bridges between Francophone and Anglophone communities, between organizations and citizens, and between citizens and their fellow citizens.

The partners behind the organization of events include the New Frontiers School Board (NFSB), the Community Learning Centers (CLC), the Commission scolaire de la Vallée-des-Tisserands (CSVT), the Corporation de développement communautaire (CDC) du Haut-Saint-Laurent, the MRC du Haut-Saint-Laurent, the Centre intégré de santé et services sociaux de la Montérégie-Ouest (CISSSMO) — territoire du Haut-Saint-Laurent, the Réseau 0-5, the organizations Moisson Sud-Ouest and Ancres et Ailes, Leahy Orchards. Finally, a huge thank you to the management, the staff and the students of CVR for their warm welcome and contribution to the success of this evening.

Mona Rochon


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