A webinar on financial integration offered to immigrants | VIVA MÉDIA Skip to main content

Reseaux in collaboration with Desjardins offers a webinar entitled “Réussir mon intégration financière au Canada” (Succeeding with financial integration in Canada) aimed at immigrants. This virtual presentation will be offered free of charge on ZOOM on Wednesday, March 31st , 2021, from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

According to Jeanick Mainville, project and communications officer at Réseaux, the virtual session will address several themes aimed at educating immigrants on basic financial concepts. This will include issues of credit costs, the credit bureau, budget and day-to-day credit. She pointed out that the webinar will be hosted by Mauricio Gonzalez-Rivera, Business Strategy Advisor, Cultural Community Development at Desjardins. This will also offer a question period in order to respond more specifically to participants’ questions.

Desjardins is proud to be associated with this local initiative, says the general manager of the bank, Gilles Brassard.

“The face of Vaudreuil-Soulanges is changing and so is its community, he says. We can see how hospitable our region is. For many years, there have been numerous cultural mediation projects demonstrating openness to welcoming immigrants. Desjardins is proud to support Reseaux through its projects designed specifically for this community.”

You can register for the webinar on the Reseaux website at reseauxvs.ca or by phone at 450 424-5727.

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