A Super Bowl without a gathering this year | VIVA MÉDIA Skip to main content

As the NFL Super Bowl approaches, VIVA MÉDIA wanted to hear about the plans of sports fans in our region.

Like many residents of the region and of Quebec, Carl-Antoine Legault is passionate about American football. Every year he organizes a super bowl party with family and friends at the family farm. However, this year will not be like the others. Mr. Legault will simply not be able to hold a party because of the government’s measures.

“I live in Sherbrooke right now and I come back to the area every Super Bowl to host the event, he says. I cannot go back to my parents with the public health measures.”
Furthermore, Mr. Legault cannot risk infecting his immediate family by returning this year. He explains that his father has a condition that puts him at risk of developing complications from Covid-19.

Knowing the interest of his friends for the Super Bowl, Carl-Antoine Legault wishes to organize a virtual event on the Zoom or Discord platform. This way, he and his guests will be able to discuss the game and spend some time among friends.

More for the event than the game

According to two casual fans of this contact sport, the Super Bowl is more of a social event than a sport one for them.

“I’m not a fan of football statistics and I don’t really know the players, admits Alexis Buisson. I go to see the game with my friends more as a tradition and I like to be with them. It’s really hard this year not to have an event like this. It would have boosted the moral a little.”

For his part, Marc-Antoine Lefebvre is a sports fan. He explains that he can enjoy a game of football and the Super Bowl is no exception. Usually he gets together with his friends for Super Bowl night.

“The older we get, the harder it is to see the people who are dear to us, says Mr. Lefebvre. It’s events like this that bring us all together. We can catch up and socialize with our friends.”

The rules must be respected

Asked about the measures taken during the Super Bowl event on February 7th , the Sûreté du Québec ensures that everything will be in place to ensure that the measures are taken. They confirm that all the usual staff will be on the ground to enforce the curfew and health measures imposed by the government. The Sûreté du Québec did not want to say more about the strategies that will be used for this evening of celebration.

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