The Centre intégré de santé et services sociaux de la Montérégie-Ouest (CISSSMO) is Proud of its Employees for their Accessibility | VIVA MÉDIA Skip to main content

The Centre intégré de santé et services sociaux de la Montérégie-Ouest (CISSSMO) is proud to announce that several of its employees have received awards as part of the «Star Program (Special Thanks and Recognition)», a community-based initiative that recognizes employees and volunteers in the Montérégie who are committed to providing quality and safe services to the English-speaking population. They were selected for their outstanding work and support of the health and well-being of this population. They were honoured with a $25 gift card, a certificate of recognition, and their nominations will be shared in various community organization newsletters throughout the Montérégie.

1- From left to right: Pauline Wiedow (Executive Director of the Montérégie West Community Network); Winner, Caroline Laframboise (educator), Winner, Stéphane Bourbeau (educator), Winner, Mary-Lou Langlois Longtin (educator), Winner, Nancy Gravel (coordinator), Karissa Clayberg (liaison officer, Programme d’accès en langue anglaise). Winner, Roxane Trudeau (educator): not photographed.

2- From left to right: Mélanie Gagné and Winner, Agata Nowicka.(Photos MWCN)

There are five winners in the team of Ms. Stéphanie Charron, 2nd Line Addiction Service Manager: Ms. Caroline Laframboise, educator and employee of the CISSSMO for 17 years; Mr. Stéphane Bourbeau, educator and employee for four years; Ms. Mary-Lou Langlois Longtin, educator and employee for two years; Ms. Nancy Gravel, human relations officer and coordinator of the centralized intake team, employee for 21 years; and Ms. Roxane Trudeau, educator and employee for one year. This team is in direct contact with the users on a daily basis. At the Centre de réadaptation en dépendance (CRD) Le Virage, their role as centralized intake workers is to validate the eligibility and safety of users who call to request services.

As the gateway and often the first contact for users at the CRD, they feel it is of utmost importance to offer a professional, warm welcome adapted to the particular needs of all users. In addition, as part of their role, they work with external partners to ensure that clients have access to the services they need.

This team is dedicated to consumers in every sense of the word. They find that the people they support are very brave, as taking the first steps to get help for addiction or mental health is not easy and is still largely considered taboo. Mr. Bourbeau believes you have to think outside the box to help a consumer in a particular situation. He is proud to be part of the solution. Ms. Laframboise feels that it is essential to take the time to fully understand their emotions, to listen to them, and to make them feel like a priority. She adapts to their needs, making sure to offer them a quality and safe service. For her part, Ms. Langlois Longtin believes that a strong team with a collaborative work ethic and a shared vision are essential. This supportive environment allows her to respond and adapt to the specific needs of users.

In the team of Ms. Mélanie Gagné, Interim Head of the ASD 7+ Estrie and Brossard program, within the DPD (Direction des programmes déficiences), Ms. Agata Nowicka, an educator for 12 years, was also nominated for her exceptional work. Ms. Gagné noted that as soon as Ms. Nowicka joined her team, she immediately asked the question, “But what about those who do not speak French? What is offered for them?” This may be due to the fact that this topic is very dear to her, as Ms. Nowicka shared that she is an allophone herself. Originally from Poland, but in Quebec since the age of 7, she understands the language challenges a person may face. She therefore made sure that the information was as accessible and understandable as possible for everyone. She has even facilitated several groups in English.

Although she has moved on to other challenges within the CISSSMO, her impact has been significant and thanks to her, her former team is continuing to move forward. We again congratulate these employees for their nominations and for being recognized for ensuring that the needs of all users are met, to the extent possible. CISSSMO recognizes the importance of clear communication between service providers and users, and considers it essential for an accessible, personalized, quality and safe service offer.

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