A well-deserved tribute | VIVA MÉDIA Skip to main content

On October 20th, the Beauharnois-Salaberry RCM and its Public Security Committee (CSP) paid tribute to the social and community officer at the Châteauguay Police Department, Nathalie Langevin. This tribute is consistent with the announcement of her imminent retirement after 30 years of career.

(Photo Beauharnois-Salaberry RCM)

The RCM and the members of the CSP wanted to highlight the dedication and professionalism of Mrs. Langevin, and this, since the very first days of the implementation by the RCM of the Sécuri-Parc service, almost 15 years ago. This is not to mention more recently her great involvement, alongside officers of the Sûreté du Québec, in major road safety campaigns such as “Attention Piétons!” and “Pas de cell au volant, c’est gagnant!”

Thanks to the successful partnership established in recent years with the Châteauguay Police Department, Agent Langevin will have been at the forefront of the safety of pedestrians, motorists, users of the bicycle network and citizens, both for the benefit of the City of Beauharnois and for the entire territory of the Beauharnois-Salaberry RCM.

“We would like to congratulate Mrs. Langevin on this brilliant career and, one thing is certain, having been at the forefront of her arrival at our side with the Sécuri-Parc, she can leave with the feeling of duty accomplished. We extend our sincere gratitude to her and wish her a happy retirement”, said Mr. Yves Daoust, deputy prefect of the RCM.

Mélanie Calvé


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