Fewer poinsettias, but more needs | VIVA MÉDIA Skip to main content

The Vaudreuil-Soulanges Palliative Care Residence (MSPVS) is already short of poinsettias. The holiday fundraising campaign is therefore in dire need of money to achieve its goals.

(Photo MSPVS)

The campaign was a huge success, because two weeks before the plant picking days at the Centre du Jardin Vaudreuil-sur-le-Lac Garden Center, the poinsettias had all found takers.

The volunteers responsible for the annual poinsettia campaign, Gilles Hébert and Marie Caron, had ordered 1,500 plants, rather than 3,000 like last year. This is due to the uncertainty associated with the instability of the current situation. The producer himself had to restrict his production this year.

Last year’s campaign raised $ 79,000. Obviously, this significant reduction in the number of poinsettias offered in exchange for a donation this year lowers an important source of funding for the Residence. This loss unfortunately is added to those caused by the cancellation of other events for the benefit of the Residence.

This is why the MSPVS is seeking the support of the community, to help them bring this campaign back afloat through an online donation. The Residence ensures that the first 500 donors will already have a poinsettia reserved in their name for next year.

The loyal allies of the poinsettias campaign

For this unprecedented campaign, like the year 2020, the House was able to count on its loyal partners, which are Desjardins Vaudreuil-Soulanges, the Centre du Jardin Vaudreuil-sur-le-Lac Garden Center and the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion.

“Year after year, Desjardins Vaudreuil-Soulanges ensures its financial collaboration with the poinsettias campaign in order to support the Palliative Care Residence Foundation, said Gilles Brassard, general manager of Caisse Desjardins de Vaudreuil-Soulanges. The holiday season will be special with COVID-19 and despite the extraordinary measures taken to limit the risk of spread, the campaign, although more moderate than usual, will bring its share of beneficial encouragement to the MSPVS and the community.”

The donations that the Residence will collect as part of the end of the poinsettia-free poinsettias campaign will bear the color of crucial support to ensure its
sustainability. Donations online: www.jedonneenligne.org/fmspvs/

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