Project of an Intergenerational Park in Saint-Anicet | VIVA MÉDIA Skip to main content

The sum of $ 100,000 is granted to the municipality of Saint-Anicet for its project to develop an Intergenerational Park. This amount was announced by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Andrée Laforest, as well as the MNA for Huntingdon, Claire IsaBelle, on behalf of the Minister responsible for Seniors and Caregivers, Marguerite Blais.

(Photo Office of the MNA for Huntingdon Claire IsaBelle)

This project is part of the call for projects of the Programme d’infrastructures Municipalité amie des aînés (PRIMADA), which aims to support initiatives promoting active aging in the community. Eligible projects relate to the carrying out of small construction, rehabilitation or expansion of infrastructure work.

The project of the Municipality of Saint-Anicet consists of developing an Intergenerational Park in the city center in order to provide seniors with a gathering place in addition to promoting the development of healthy lifestyles. The work consists of the construction of a pedestrian path surrounding the park to facilitate access to the various facilities there. The project also includes the installation of six exercise modules, six solar streetlights and nine stationary benches.

“This project will bring a lot to the citizens of Saint-Anicet. In addition to contributing to the mental and physical health of seniors, this park will allow them to break through isolation and forge even closer ties with the entire community, including young people. I would like to thank the municipality for having successfully completed this request for financial assistance and to salute its proactivity”, said Claire IsaBelle, MNA for Huntingdon.

Mélanie Calvé


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