September 2020 weather summary for Ormstown | VIVA MÉDIA Skip to main content

The average temperature for September in Ormstown was 15.0 compared to the ten year normal of 16.2 and the average last year of 15.4. A killing frost occurred on September 21 which was the second earliest in the last 45 years with the earliest being set on September 19 in 1979.

Total heat units, beginning on May 4 until the frost date, were 2999 compared to the ten year average of 3335 and the total last year of 2910 which produced a crop of poor quality due to low bushel weight. Total precipitation was 20 percent below normal for a total of 62 mms. or 2.5 inches. It could have been much drier since 43 mms. of that arrived in the last 3 days barely making it into the September total. Harvesting of silage corn is in full swing since the frost killed plants are quickly drying out. Some soybeans have been combined but reports of some green pods is delaying harvest. Grain corn harvest has yet to begin as farmers are now waiting for some sunny dry weather to improve harvest conditions.

Peter Finlayson
VIVA média

Entreprise de presse et de communication

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